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Socially Distanced Excercise is Cool!




05.04.20 – Darrell Priestley

Hi Everyone, the shortest of posts today. It’s an amazing Sunday morning, but of course, no trip to the seaside! I’ll be getting my daily exercise while enjoying the freshest air I can ever remember breathing on a solo bike ride. I’ll give other riders a wide berth, but wave a cheery hello (we’re a very friendly breed) as I pass at a safe distance. Sixty minutes in the sunshine will help compensate for a week spent mostly indoors.

Commendations to all for doing such a fine job of socially distancing. It’s not an idea that comes naturally, but it’s the right thing to do now, for sure, and none of us can ever really know the number of lives we saved by isolating. Looking back on this years from now, we will all be proud of what we did in the pandemic.

In normal times, we may tell someone ”You’re a life saver!” Now when we say it, it’s actually true. A Pat on the back for you today, because YOU ARE AWESOME!

Post Script: I’m now back from my ride, which honestly was a bit surreal. Even in the 1970’s when I began to venture further from home on two wheels, I don’t ever remember the roads being so quiet. Odd, but blissful. I’m surprised I didn’t see any deer, they often pop up when there’s no cars about. There were a few other riders, and several couples and the odd parent with child out for a constitutional walk in the quiet lanes, and pretty much everyone said hello to me. Strange how isolation begets friendship and cameraderie.