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Lockdown II




10.11.20 – Darrell Priestley

Six days in to Lockdown II, and all systems are quietly humming. The transfer to online lessons has gone smoothly, and now we all simply need to keep doing what we’re doing.

Eileen and Darrell continue to work from our base at NMA, teaching remotely and also running our online retail business. Eileen will soon be doing a scaled back version of our Christmas decorations, with no real way of knowing if we will be seeing many of you before the Christmas holidays begin – but we certainly hope so, because although it’s only been a few days, we really miss you all coming through the door each week.

It’s fair to say that most of us are a lot more experienced with online lessons than we were back in April, so get set to make the most of the next few weeks until 2nd December and above all, remember it all goes a lot better when you practice regularly. 🙂